Blog Feature

Online Education

By: MIT xPRO | September 13th, 2023
7 Minute Read

Wondering what to read next? Ready to stimulate your brain with topics ranging from systems engineering to artificial intelligence? You’ve come to the right place.

Blog Feature

Manufacturing | MIT Open Learning

By: MIT xPRO | September 6th, 2023
5 Minute Read

Are you considering enrolling in MIT xPRO’s additive manufacturing course? Don’t miss the chance to hear Professor John Hart, lead instructor of the course, discussing the implications of additive manufacturing with Financial Times global business columnist Rana Foroohar.

Blog Feature

Online Education | Professional Development

By: MIT xPRO | July 31st, 2023
3 Minute Read

We recently spoke with Olivier de Weck to get his insights on leveraging information to improve project management strategy. The resulting article covered substantial ground:

Blog Feature

Manufacturing | Engineering

By: MIT xPRO | July 13th, 2023
3 Minute Read

A lead home appliance manufacturer reduced complexity and costs to solidify its role as a modern, global engineering organization. How did the company accomplish this ambitious goal?

Blog Feature

Technology Insider | Online Education | Professional Development

By: MIT xPRO | June 7th, 2023
5 Minute Read

A survey conducted by global consulting firm McKinsey & Company revealed that “during the first 12 months of the pandemic, top-decile economic performers innovated nearly twice as fast as their low-performing peers in generating new products and services.”

Blog Feature


By: MIT xPRO | May 22nd, 2023
6 Minute Read

Today’s business leaders and decision-makers know that innovation plays a critical role in everything from retaining top talent to improving productivity.

Blog Feature

Online Education | Professional Development

By: MIT xPRO | May 10th, 2023
5 Minute Read

Online corporate learning is one of the most effective ways to deepen your team’s knowledge and expand their abilities regarding everything from the most ground-breaking emerging technologies to so-called “soft skills” like critical thinking.

Blog Feature

Online Education | Professional Development | Leadership

By: MIT xPRO | April 19th, 2023
5 Minute Read

“Everything around us that is human-made is the result of projects that were planned and executed to enhance the world we live in,” says Olivier de Weck, MIT Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics and Engineering Systems and lead faculty instructor of MIT xPRO’s project management course, Project Management: Leading Organizations to Success.

Blog Feature

Technology Insider

By: MIT xPRO | April 10th, 2023
6 Minute Read

An interview with Sebastian Kuhnert, Vice President of Business Development at The game of chess as we know it today has captivated players since the 16th century. In the 1940s, as Alan Turing worked to develop the first modern computers, he turned to chess as “an example of what computers could do.” Turing wrote the first computer chess program in 1950, bringing the centuries-old game into the emerging digital age.

Blog Feature

Online Education | Professional Development | Leadership

By: MIT xPRO | April 5th, 2023
3 Minute Read

Organizations everywhere are upskilling employees with corporate training that focuses on emerging technologies. But essential skills—what some call “soft skills”—can be equally important in many professional contexts.